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MAF Track


A pathway for Pilots & Aircraft Engineers to become mission-ready.

Have you ever thought about becoming an aircraft engineer for Mission Aviation Fellowship? At present there are worldwide opportunities for engineers and MAF New Zealand has developed a pathway to help people with a passion for aviation towards a career as an aircraft engineer. Find out if this might be something God is calling you to...and about the training and support MAF offers. 


“Living in PNG is an amazing cultural experience. And working as an engineer with MAF, I get to learn new skills and gain practical experience every day. I have been busy picking up the role of hangar supervisor and enjoying working hands-on with the local staff, providing guidance and passing on some of what I learnt over the years in New Zealand”.

MAF Aircraft Engineer

We know that getting to the mission field may seem like a formidable process. We also recognise that every person comes with their own life experiences, levels of training and knowledge.

In response to this, we have developed MAFTRACK, an individually tailored pathway towards a potential career with MAF. We will guide and assist you to achieve the theoretical knowledge and practical experience necessary to become either an authorised Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) or a CAA approved Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (LAME).


  • Application to MAFTRACK
  • Study & Exams *
  • Practical Experience 
  • Complete MAF Recruitment Process
  • MAF Overseas Service

* There may be an opportunity, once a MAFTRACK applicant has successfully completed both their two years of study/exams and the MAF Recruitment process, to complete the practical experience requirement at a MAF base overseas (either Australia or Africa/PNG).

Training Pathways

All of the following training pathways detail both the theory component, as well as the
practical experience requirement with an approved NZ employer (around 4 years in total).


ServiceIQ has a range of Aeronautical Engineering programmes that take between six months to three years to complete. Students learn at their own pace and training mostly takes place in the workplace

View the course details.

Air New Zealand - New Zealand Certificate in Aeronautical Engineering (Level 3)

A 36-week introduction to basic aircraft maintenance (delivered over 39 weeks). On successful completion, graduates can apply for an apprenticeship in the industry with employers including Air New Zealand, Christchurch Engine Centre and other General Aviation employers. 

View the course details.

Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology

A two-year course designed to provide students with all the skills and knowledge needed to commence a career in Aeronautical Engineering. This programme includes a work-based training course in the second year (equivalent to approx 8 weeks full-time work) at an approved engineering place of employment*. After successfully completing the two-year Level 4 certificate at NMIT, graduates will need to complete a minimum of two more years working in the industry.

* There may be an opportunity to complete the work-based training (8 weeks full-time) at a MAF base.

View the course details.


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