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Meet David.

Eight-year-old David has been unable to walk, living with scoliosis, hydrocephalus, spina bifida, and club feet. In the remote villages of Kenya, these conditions can be seen as a curse, leaving him shamed and rejected.

He dreams of being a pilot one day, but without treatment, his dreams for the future are hopeless.

Many children like David suffer from the shame and stigma of these health challenges, and the pain of treatable conditions going unattended.

To save his future, David’s mother, Salome, would travel a treacherous 12-hour journey to get the medical help he needs to treat his conditions.

It doesn't have to be this way.

How MAF helps...

MAF medical flights mean that Salome no longer needs to make the dangerous 12-hour journey one-way to get David the help he needs.

Right now, MAF flies CURE Mobile Clinics into the most remote regions of Kenya to provide life-saving medical care. These MAF flights allow teams of doctors and specialists to access isolated communities and provide ongoing care to those who need it most.

David's Mother, Salome, said...

"I am happy for the start of the CURE mobile clinics, which have significantly reduced travel costs by bringing medical doctors closer home. Now, attending clinics is no longer a financial burden, and it also allows for consistent care and monitoring of David’s progress."

“Thanks to the assistance of doctors at Kijabe, David now walks with crutches… it is my wish to see David support himself."

Everyday your generosity is enabling MAF flights that change death sentences into futures of hope.

Right now, there is an urgent need to ensure MAF can continue providing these flights to isolated people all over the world. Over 1,500 organisations like CURE rely on MAF to get help where it is needed most.

Will you choose to give today and meet the urgent needs of children like David?

Give hope today

Our website processes donations made by either Credit Cards or by Debit Cards with online purchasing capabilities. These types of debit cards will typically show the Visa or MasterCard logo on the front. If you would prefer to donate over the phone, by online banking or to learn about alternative ways to donate, please give our friendly team a call on 0800 87 85 88 or email us at


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