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Jonny & Glenys Watson

Pilot, PNG

Jonny and Glenys Watson, along with their children, Katie, Alana, Danielle and Lucy are from Hamilton, New Zealand, and have been MAF in PNG since 2017. 

Glenys is currently a Mission Pilot in the Papua New Guinea programme flying the Cessna 208 Caravan. She finds joy in flying into bush strips in the mountainous and challenging terrain in the Highlands of PNG and seeing spiritual and physical transformation in these isolated communities.

The Watson family live in the city of Goroka where the girls usually attend a local mission school.

Also in Goroka is the operations base for the Rural Airstrip Agency (RAA). The RAA were established by MAF and supported by the Government of PNG to restore and maintain the many rural airstrips in PNG. Jonny, using his previous work experience as an Engineering Geologist, enjoys being able to contribute to this work by volunteering part-time.



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